What is PayNet FPX?
FPX payment service is a convenient and secure online payment solution that allows real-time debiting of customer’s internet online banking account of multiple banks. It also allows immediate and direct crediting into merchant’s account by banks. FPX service is suitable for all businesses that offer products or services via the internet.
Tao.Net FPX Switch is full suite solution to integrate with the system of merchants, banks and PayNet.
What we offer to FPX Switch,
- Support FPX B2C, B2B1 and B2B2
- Support both buyer and seller model
- Easy Integration with bank existing systems
- Easily configurable system value, fee charge etc.
- Full documents checklist that related to product, support, implementation etc.
- Front End module is responsive web pages
- Can add on new services with minimum impact to existing services.
Our PayNet Gateway & Switch for FPX

What is PayNet Direct Debit?
Direct Debit is a convenient and efficient collection method for businesses/ billing organizations that enables automated collection of recurring payments directly from customer’s bank account at multiple banks with a single authorization.
Tao.Net Direct Debit gateway is full suite solution to integrate with the system of merchants, banks and PayNet.
What we offer to Direct Debit,
- Support both payer and biller model
- Easy Integration with bank existing systems
- Easily configurable system value, fee charge etc.
- Full documents checklist that related to product, support, implementation etc.
- Can add on new services with minimum impact to existing services.
Our PayNet Gateway & Switch for Direct Debit